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Common HVAC Myths Debunked

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There are many misconceptions about how heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) units function.

It’s easy to believe the myths, especially if we think they can save us money on our energy bills or make our houses run more efficiently. Some of these myths have become common knowledge over time, so we’re here to put the record straight. Here is the reality about some of the most common HVAC myths.

“Setting your thermostat lower cools the room faster.”

One of the most prevalent air conditioning myths is that you can quickly cool your space by setting your thermostat to a very low temperature. Unfortunately, this is entirely false. Whether you’re attempting to heat or cool your space by one degree or 15 degrees, your HVAC unit works just as hard. The best course of action is to simply adjust your thermostat to the temperature you require.

“The bigger unit, the better.”

Whilst the size of your air conditioner is important, you must choose a unit that is appropriately suited for your building instead of the largest one available. If an air conditioner is rated for a smaller space than you have, it will work too hard to cool the air, wear out faster, and struggle to fulfil the thermostat’s demands. If the HVAC unit is rated for a larger space than you have, it will continuously switch on and off, eventually wearing itself out and becoming unreliable. Pay attention to capacity and select the appropriate unit for your available space.

“Close vents in rooms you don’t use to save energy.”

This is untrue. Once installed, the ducted system is designed to evenly distribute air throughout the property. This means that even if the vents are closed, the unit will continue to attempt to fulfil the predetermined capacity, which will work against your intention to save energy. To conserve energy, you need to consider different operating modes to increase the efficiency of your unit’s performance, but closing vents is not one of them.

“Thermostat placement doesn’t matter.”

This may be something you’ve never considered, but the location of your thermostat can have a huge impact on the energy efficiency of your building. It should be installed to allow for easy adjustment. Ideally, it should be positioned on an inside wall, away from direct sunlight, draughts, entrances, skylights, and windows. Furniture should not be positioned beneath or in front of your thermostat.

“Turning your system off and on will help reduce energy consumption.”

While you may be accustomed to turning off lights and appliances to save energy, the same rationale does not apply here. Unfortunately, repeatedly turning your HVAC system on and off wastes more energy than it conserves. You can invest in a programmable thermostat and configure it to reduce temperatures when the space is unoccupied, thereby lowering your energy consumption and making things easier on the system.

“If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.”

If you aren’t scheduling regular maintenance for your HVAC system, you’re wasting both efficiency and comfort, as well as risking system damage. Maintenance should be preventative, which means it should be carried out before any breakages occur. However, a functioning system is not always a healthy system – this is especially true when maintenance is forgotten.

We hope we’ve debunked some long-held air conditioning myths for you, but if you have any additional HVAC queries or difficulties, please contact us! At NDS Mechanical Services, we’ve been helping businesses since 2003. Get in touch for repairs, replacement, energy conservation, and more.

With all of those myths busted, you’re on your way to a more efficient HVAC system that will last longer and save you money!


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